SkunkWorks Weather
Live Weather From A Personal Weather Station Located in Smoaks, SC

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*** UTC Time ***

Coordinated Universal Time is the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time. It is within about 1 second of mean solar time at 0° longitude, and is not adjusted for daylight saving time. Our local time is UTC minus 05:00:00 hours with no DST in effect.

Smoaks, SC 29481 Weather


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River Level Givhans
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Edisto River Level Givhans


Current Conditions

Updated: 4:47am on 10/22/24

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High: 56.9° 
Low: 53.7° 


Wind: 0 mph from the ESE
Gust: 0 mph
Today's High Wind: 0 mph (12:00am)
Humidity: 86%
Pressure: 30.16 in  (Steady) 
Pressure Rate: 0.002 in/hr
Dew Point: 49.7°
Wind Chill: 53.8°
Heat Index (feels like): 58.9°
Comfort Level: Cool
Temperature Rate:  -0.72°/hr
7 Day Forecast - Skunks Best Guess !!!
Smoaks, South Carolina, weather forecast


Weather Advisories
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Moon Phase:

 Star Chart...
Rainfall Totals 
Hourly Rain 0.00 in
Daily Rain: 0.00 in
Monthly Rain: 0.00 in
Yearly Rain: 48.76 in

Edisto River Level Whetstone's

Edisto River Level Givhans

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 Never base important decisions on this or any weather information obtained from the Internet
Updated Automatically by Ambient Weather's Virtual Weather Station  V13.01